Price & Services Apartments for rent in Favignana

10 cute and well-maintained cottages on the lawn! Surrounding the cottages is a lawn and olive grove;
A green oasis very close to the sea;
You can calculate the cost of a stay at Le Casette yourself using the form on the side (below for mobile users); select the arrival and departure dates, and then indicate the number of guests divided into adults, teenagers, and children. Request a quote simply by sending the same completed form with your email;
Alternatively, you can request information using the comments form below! – In any case, you will receive a response!!!
Bicycles available for the entire period: free!
For children up to 10 years old: 100% discount!
For teenagers up to 17 years old: 50% discount!
Round trip shuttle to the port (optional): 32€ (the cost covers up to 4 people; 8€ for each additional person)!
Breakfast (optional): 5€/person per day!
Bed and bath linen (optional): 25€/person
Use of air conditioners: free!
Electricity, water, and gas: free!
Initial and final cleaning: free!
Internet Wi-fi: free!


Apartments for rent in Favignana

A Summer Thrill    Begin your holiday

Ciascuna delle case in affitto dispone di un esclusivo terrazzo che si estende su un prato. La zona è fresca, ed una leggera brezza marina rende praticamente superflui i condizionatori, che sono ovviamente comunque a tua disposizione.

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